The Money, Mindset & Miracles Podcast

Creating Irresistible Offers That Sell - Part 1 (Your Hell Yes Offer)

Rachel Smith - The business Grower

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In this mini series I am sharing how you can create irresistible offers that sell in your business.  There is so much content here that I want to share with you, so I have decided to break the content down into a series where I first of all share:

  • complete breakdown of the three offers that will help you to scale to 5K months
  • the pricing structure of each offer so you can easily decide on your price
  • how each offer creates warm leads for your next offer so you maximise each sale

I will also be creating additional content about how you can enhance any offers so they are truly irresistible!

I have already covered the entire strategy to scaling your business to 5K months in this podcast episode, click here to listen -

Are you ready to get started with your creating your own HELL YES OFFERS?

I have a brilliant stand alone product where I share exactly how you can Create, Launch & Sell your own hell yes offers.

Currently priced at £197.00 however you can purchase for £97.00 using discount code Hellyes24

Click here to get started:

Look out for the entire series of videos about creating irresistible offers in your business.

Let's Get Connected-

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If you have any questions about scaling your business to consistent months of high income, drop me a message here:

Love Rachel x

Let's Get Connected-

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If you have any questions about scaling your business to consistent months of high income, drop me a message here: or hit FAN MAIL to message me directly!

Love Rachel x

welcome to the money, mindset and miracles podcast. Helping you to grow a predictable and scalable months of high income from your business as gracefully as possible. I'm Rachel Smith business coach mindset expert. And the founder of momentum mastermind, your 90-day sprint to scaling your business to five care. Join me every week as I dive into the tips, inspirational stories and strategies that are going to support you on your journey. To growing your awesome business. I'm so excited to bring to you this mini series where I'm going to break down the three offers that you need in your business to scaled consistent months of high income. Now these specific offers and the strategy behind it has been covered in a previous video. Episode. So I'm going to link to that down below. So if you're listening to this and you're like, yes, but I want to understand what the strategy is. Go and listen to that and then come back here. So when I first thought about creating a episode, which was all about creating irresistible offers in your business, I was like, yeah, that's great. That's a really good piece of content that my audience would love to know about because there's so much information out there about what you can. Take the marketplace, but it can be conflicting as well. And I wanted to break it down. So you have the step by step, um, process and ideas about what types of offers that you need to have in your business and when to bring them to the marketplace, but also like. What the pricings, what types of offers, how do the offers interlinked with each other? So actually I'm going to create a mini series where I'm going to take you through the three offers individually. And the three offers are your hell yes offer, your reoccurring income, and your high end offer. Offers. So they're the three offers we're going to be talking about. And we're going to talk about them in sufficient detail that you have the information that you need to go off and apply it into your business. If you're already really brilliant at taking action and you understand. How to market and sell these things, but I'm also going to create some of the bonus content where we're going to be talking about how you can really enhance your offers as well. So there's going to be the three separate episodes where we'll be talking about each individual offer separately. And then I'll be creating some bonus material where I'm really talking about how you can. Ensure that you are creating the irresistible element that you want to have in your offers so that you stand out from the crowd. And that is a really easy yes from your audience. So we're going to kick off with your first irresistible offer, which is what I call your hell yes offer. So brilliant that people buy, and we're going to talk about. What, what that is, why you need it in your business and how to get started with it. And if you are like, this is the offer that I need, you're really lucky actually, because I've got an amazing offer that I'll share in the show notes below, but I'll also talk about at the end of this episode as well. So let's get into hell yes offers. So what is a hell yes offer? So for me, this is an entry point offer. This is where you are sharing a. like a specific solution to a specific problem that your client, your ideal client has. So for instance, it could be something, if you are a coach, it could be something like how to set and achieve effective goals in your business. So you've got a problem where your Um audience your ideal client, um, and not setting goals. They're not achieving their Targets and you've got skills and the know how how to help them to understand how to set really effective goals And how to make sure that they achieve them throughout the a 30 day period whatever it is So you've got a specific solution to a specific problem. You're not trying to overload Your audience with everything that you could teach about a certain area. This is a entry point. And as I said, you want to make it like a hell yes. This is something that where your ideal client can recognize themselves in the solution that you've got. And they're like, I need this. And then the way that the offer is structured, they also get another, I need this. And then the way that you price this, it's another, I need this. And why you need these offers in your business. And you don't need very many. Um, you could run one a month, you could have like three call once in your business, or you could just have one call one that you've run every quarter. It's entirely up to you. This is your business and this is your opportunity to. Create the rules around how you best want to show up in your business, how creative you want to be, how many offers you want to create. But often when you start with hell yes offers, you can start to see that there's a real pattern to the offers that you can create and the pathway that you can take your clients through when they first find out about you. And that's exactly what your hell yes offer is for. These are for people who are not currently working with you. And so They may be people who find out about you because you're promoting it. There could be people who've been in your world for a little while, but they haven't yet taken that step to actually come and work with you. So this is an entry point. This is something that solves the problem is irresistible in that sense, but also is low risk for them in terms of their time, their commitment and their investment financially so that it becomes that hell. Yes. It's like, yes, of course, I'm going to buy this. Correct. And they can try you out. And what happens here is people can either just keep buying these entry point offers and keep working with you in that way. But what often happens is that you have an opportunity that. After the healthiest offer has been, um, delivered and that person's got results. That's what you're looking for as well. That's one of the crucial elements that you want to be bringing into your irresistible offer is helping your audience. You're paying clients to get the results that you are saying is possible for them. If they show up and take action, obviously we can't do anything with those clients who do not show up. But we don't want to focus on those. We are creating an offer. And again, if that's something that you've been experienced in the past, where people are buying stuff, but they're not actually taking action, you want to be thinking about how you're structuring your offer. You want it to be like this step by step process. And if there's some aspects that you understand your audience are going to get stuck on. What can you do? What can you create? That allows them to overcome those problems. And I'll give you a specific example. One of my products is the list grow where I help and support, um, my ideal clients to get started with email marketing. Now I understand that this can feel really overwhelming as a strategy, but it's super effective as well. Um, you can quickly grow your audience and it. Also allows you to nurture that audience so that you've got more people to actually promote your office to. So that is amazing. And everybody should be using email marketing. Um, but what I understand to be true with my audience is that there's some aspects of the email marketing process that they find really overwhelming and they might start off like in a lot of enthusiasm, but there'll be certain things that come up that might stop them from getting to the end. And one of those things is about creating landing pages and thank you pages. So I've worked with other experts who've created templates for my clients to use. It's a case of downloading the templates, putting their own personal information in, and then they can plug that into their website. One of the other things that I understand that my people get stuck with is. All of the email sequence. So I actually create an email sequence template so people can once again, um, use that template as a structure to act, to map out all of those key emails that they want, that's going to take somebody from being a cold lead right through to a paying client. So think about the things that obstacles that stop your people from getting those results and think about. Things that you can create in your offer, that's going to help them to overcome those things. And even if it isn't your area of expertise, is there somebody in your world that you can actually have an arrangement where they provide that for you or on behalf of you? So there's all sorts of different things that you can do. It's about getting really creative. So the beauty of Hell Yes offers is that it gives people an opportunity to come in and try you. There will be those people who are like, you are not for me. And that's fine. We wish them well, and we want them to go and find the person that is the right fit for them in terms of expertise. However, so many people are like sitting on the fence. Wondering if you are the right offer. Maybe your next offer at that moment in time is too much of a leap of faith, too much of an unknown, but with that entry point, you are allowing them to come in and see what it's like to work with you and then once they've got those results, because you've helped and supported them to do that in the content that you've created within your offer, you then have another offer, which I'll talk about in the next element of this mini series. That you make that upsell offer to, so there's an easy pathway from that hell yes, entry point offer into your next offer, and this is going to help you to scale your business really quickly and effectively because. You might end up with just a strategy where the only thing you ever marketing are your hell yes offers and that you can actually generate all of your income from the upsells that you make after that person has created, has gone through your hell yes offer. And this is how brilliant these offers are. So if you're not currently creating an entry point offer into business, this is your sign. to start to think about what your entry point offer is. And again, you want to link it to that next offer that you will be making to your audience once you've completed that first offer. In terms of pricing, it really depends on what your offer is. What your business is, what your offer is, where you are in your business. Are you well established? Are you just starting out? How big your audience is? There's quite a few factors to think about, but generally speaking with a Hell Yes offer, it wants to be around, and I'm going to talk about like the British currency here. So use your own currency if it's different, but you're looking at something that's under 50 pounds and probably between kind of 47 and ideally 197 pounds. You want it to be like a hell yes, like it's not going to break the bank for them to actually invest in you. And you can run an early bird. So let's say you, your offer is 197 pounds, but perhaps you're going to run an early bird for the first part of your launch. And it's done. 97 pounds, and then you increase it to 197 pounds. So there are all sorts of different things that you can do. If it's the first time you've created like a healthiest offer, you can create an offer. Maybe it's going to become like your signature entry offer. Maybe like the list grower, maybe you run it for the first time at 97. You get some really great results. You get some really great testimonials. And then the next time you sell it at 197 pounds, so there's all sorts of things that you can do to make this. Offer amazing for you and amazing for your ideal clients. You'd want it to be a win win. So this is the first offer I want to talk about in the series of creating irresistible offers that are going to help you to scale your business. Now, I did say that I had an irresistible offer. And not so long ago, I actually created a step by step mini course, where I actually take you through how you can create your first hell yes offer. Now within that, there are all of the things that you need, all of the elements of creating your offer, launching your offer, and upselling in your offer. And there's all sorts of different things included in there. your sales email sequence. There's a template for putting together your sales page. There's a list of offers that you could create as ideas. Now, this current package is 197. And to be honest, if you are not experienced in putting packages together, actually, you could. Take this entire training that I've created and create any type of offer from it. Because actually, once you've got you really used to creating offers through hell yes offers, you're more or less applying the same elements to a group offer and to VIP offers. So they're just ever so slightly different. So this is a brilliant. Course to get you started. And because I'm launching this episodes, these episodes of creating a business for us, I have got a discount code so that instead of paying 197 pounds, you pay just 97 pounds for the whole course. I'll put all of the details, including the sales page, um, down below. And if you decide to use the discount code. Just go along to the sales part of the page and put the discount code in which is hell yes 24 all together Capital H everything else is lowercase hell. Yes 24 go click that and check it out And I can't wait to hear about the types of Hell Yes offers that you are going to create and bring into your business. If you want to tell me what you've decided to do after listening and watching this episode, click below and tell me by hitting reply, what you've decided to bring into your offer, uh, into your business. Business into your offer suite. And it may be something that you've already had in your business and you're just going to reintroduce it. So get thinking about your Hell Yes offer and start taking action today. If this is something that's going to, that resonates with you and you understand it's going to help you scale your business, okay, bye for now.