The Money, Mindset & Miracles Podcast

Set Your Powerful & Achievable Income Goal For 2024

Rachel Smith - The Business Grower

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Set your business changing income goal for 2024 with me in this podcast episode.  Grab your notebook and pen to complete my favourite journaling exercise that will help you to create the right income goal for you, that will have you focused and raring to get started in 2024 to scale your business.

BEFORE you get started complete your FULL 2023 BUSINESS REVIEW so you can identify what is working well and what you need to focus on to grow your business on the next 12 months.  Download my exact templates I use for my annual reviews for free here:

Additional Episodes To Support Your Business Strategy:

Episode 6 - My Exact Strategy For 5K Months | Rachel Smith (

Episode 13 - Your 3 Income Streams To 5K | Rachel Smith (

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If you have any questions about scaling your business to consistent months of high income, drop me a message here: or hit FAN MAIL to message me directly!

Love Rachel x

welcome to the money, mindset and miracles podcast. Helping you to grow a predictable and scalable months of high income from your business as gracefully as possible. I'm Rachel Smith business coach mindset expert. And the founder of momentum mastermind, your 90-day sprint to scaling your business to five care. Join me every week as I dive into the tips, inspirational stories and strategies that are going to support you on your journey. To growing your awesome business. So within today's podcast episode, I'm actually going to walk you through one of my favorite journaling exercises. And then I'm going to help you to use up to your neck size to figure out your income girl. For your business in 2024. So this is perfect for you. If you're listening to it around the time that I recorded it, which is December 20, 23, but let's face it. If you have landed on this. Episode and you. I'm in the middle of the year and you haven't set. Income girl, you can also use this to set your income girl. Let's go back to the present time. So we are going to set an income goal. Because I understand. That money is one of those things that women do find really, really uncomfortable. But as a coach, I'm good. Always ask you to start with the end in mind. And the end in mind is lots of things when you're running a business, but one of them specifically is always about how much money do you want to generate in your business? And when I worked with my clients, they've maybe got a bit of a figure in their mind. But the haven't written it down and haven't worked out how the good to achieve it. And there's lots of reasons for that. And lots of the reasons are connected to your relationship with money. It's connected to the stories that you tell yourself about how much money is available to you, that you can actually achieve. I'm creating this episode to help you, if any of that resonated or if you haven't previously set an income goal or achieved an income girl. So I'm creating this specifically for you to say, look, this is really powerful. This is what's going to put the fire in your belly. The way that I teach it. And this is a great opportunity to start getting into the habit of working on your money. Mindset working on your relationship. With money so that you can grow and scale your business with more and more success and ease. So we are going to do some work today. I suggest that you grab a pen and a notebook. Because I will be wanting you to work this out. And also if you've got a calculator, so perhaps you've got a calculator. On your phone. Where you can actually do some calculation because we're not just going to set an income goal that we've plucked from the air that we've meditated on. We are going to choose an income girl that is going to significantly shift everything in your life is going to shift how you think and feel about your business is going to change how you approach business. It's going to be the energy and the frequency that you'll be bringing into your business in the next 12 months. And it's going to help you to focus on. Making this happen. So I'll be taking you through my exact process for setting a powerful. And achievable income girl. And one of the first places that I would say at the want to start with is to actually complete a full review of 2023. This review is going to reveal so much to you. It's going to reveal if you've actually set an income goal in the past and how much progress you've made towards it. But a review is a really great place to start. Done in the show notes, I will leave the details of my exact templates that I use to complete a full business review. Now, a full business review. Sounds really daunting, but let me tell you. It doesn't have to be. I have written out everything that you want to be. Asking yourself. And looking at so you can download your copy for free. This is definitely the place to start. In terms of setting an income goal, you want to understand what's happened in your business in the last 12 months. You want to understand. That your zone of genius and those areas that you are avoiding because it's good to help you to plan out. 2024 or the next 12 months. Now we're getting into setting your income goal. And so often. We set goals and we don't actually achieve them. And one of the things that I want for you to think about in your goal setting. Isn't so much about the figures. But the feeling. And because we are. Feeling creatures. You are going to move more. Successfully towards a feeling. Rather than. Just a number. And especially if that number currently feels impossible or out here, I'll read or perhaps it's a figure. They've had around for a little while. I want for you to connect with the feeling that you want to have about your life. And that, so that's quite large. And I'm going to give you an exercise in a moment that's going to help you kind of narrow that down and help you really connect without feeling. But, you know, initially what. What do you want to feel about your life? Going forward. Do you want to feel like money is no object? Do you want to feel abundant? Successful? Just really tap into. How you want to feel. Because it is so important and we'll be coming back to this. Being clear about what is your vision? And this is your vision for your whole life. This isn't just like, oh, this is what I want to achieve in my business, because I believe that you can't. Disconnect business and life. The reason why you're in business is to support a level of life and experience of life that you want to move towards, that you are moving towards. So you want to really connect with. Your vision. Sometimes we make that vision just. Just like a tiny bit better than our current life. And I'm going to challenge you, that's you to really think less bigger than that. To get out of your own way to put aside any worries about the, how we'll deal with that in. In future work. But right now is just connecting with your vision. And you might want to just take a few moments close your eyes might want to pause this podcast episode, but I want you to connect with that vision. By the end of the next 12 months in business and life. What do you want your business and life to look like? And just connect with that. And again, if your conscious mind is popping up, Like how or anything that hasn't worked well in the last 12 months, just put those thoughts to one side or not. We're not concerned about your conscious thoughts. We're wanting to speak to UQ, unconscious self. That big. Part of your mind that steers everything that you do. It steers how you think, how you feel and therefore your actions. So just think about like in a world where everything and anything. That you desire is possible for you. How's that. Sensation of earning up how that feeling of earning up to the possibility. Feel yourself opening up to. Accepting on a cellular level that everything you desire. Is possible for you. You just have to be like the powerful woman that you truly are. And declare this and call it in. And I want for you to, just with that, you know, now you've connected with how you want. The next 12 months to feel in your, in business and in life. I want you to just open your eyes again. And I want for you to just grab your pen and, you know, book and to write out. How you want your life? And your business to look and feel like. And one of my favorite exercises for this is to write out like your future dare. And this is a day where you were working in your business. And it's everything you desire. So perhaps you are aware of where you wake up. There's fresh linen on your bed and you can feel the weight and the quality. Of the covers. Surrounding you. Or the softness of your pillar. You waking up in a beautiful room that feels light and energized. Perhaps it's really tidy this storage for everything that you have. It feels organized. It feels like a beautiful space. And then just take yourself through your morning routine. What's that look like? Who are you working at with. What are you eating, being aware of the conversations you're having with people. What do you do? You know, perhaps it take the kids in school run. Perhaps you're going to the gym. First thing, perhaps take the dog for a walk. Be aware of this. Write that down. And then the next part is. To write out like that perfect day in business. Perhaps you're working in the office and you are aware of how amazing your office looks. Perhaps you've got a big, well wall planner. That's like mapping out all your launches for the coming period. Or perhaps you've got a wall of all the new clients that you've taken on and he's celebrating every single success that you've had. All you're looking inside your bank statement, your Stripe account, your PayPal account. And you're like full of gratitude for every single person who was put the hand up and come and worked with you. And it's more money than you thought was possible for you. And you allow that feeling of like success of certainty, of abundance to fill you up. And you write that out. And you're aware of. Who else is supporting you in your business? Perhaps you were working with a coach like me, perhaps. You've got a copywriter in your business. Perhaps you've got a social media expert, perhaps you've got a VA. Perhaps you adding T team, maybe you're growing your team. Maybe you've got other people like you. Who you are now delegating work to. And you write all of that out. As it's done. And you carry on writing out exactly how. You want your day in the future to pan out? And you could even be like, so like, Different from where you are right now, you could be like holding a spider. For your VIP clients. And you're having this beautiful luxurious experience. And you're aware of all of those people that you connect into. And the conversations that having acceptance from the people that you are, their expert, you are holding the space for them, that you are incredible, that you are the person that they absolutely trust to help and support them in their lives, in their businesses, whatever it is that you do. And you write all of that out. And there's a point in your day when you look at your financial situation. And you are aware of income coming in. Perhaps you've got new passive income streams coming into your business, perhaps you've finally gone out there and launched your signature program. And it is. Thriving. So you look at the clients that you've got coming in and working with you, you look at the income that you've got generating. You look at the profit that you're generating, and you're aware of how that profit is positively impacting your life. Within this. Generally exercise, you include, perhaps you see yourself at the end of a busy working day or take the family out for a meal. Or you see yourself being the sole breadwinner of your family? Or. Investing in your children's education. Whatever it is that fills you up. See how your success positively impacts or the people that you love. You've joined this generally excise to a conclusion now. You are. Finally getting to the point where you've got to the end of the day. Perhaps you've just had a really nice massage, perhaps you've liked cold somebody in and they've come to your house and they've set up a massage table, a new. So grateful that you're able to do that. Or perhaps you just having a cozy night and we lived once, whatever that is, this is your perfect day. This is like, How you, you are going to spend your time. In the future because. The next 12 months, we're going to bring this level of success to you. And you write all of that out. And this is your. Blueprint now, this is your like, Path. This is everything that you want. Everything you desire for the next 12 months in business in life. And at what for you to just sit there? And just see that in your. Mind's eye, like maybe close your eyes, just have a moment and connect with everything you have written on that page. This is so perfect. And connect with that feeling. How does that make you feel, knowing that everything you have written is possible for you, and that is exactly what you were moving towards, making your reality in the next 12 months. Connect with that feeling. Allow that feeling to fill you up. Perhaps you've got tears of joy of gratitude, or maybe you just got excitement. Building up. I really enjoy that moment. This is the feeling that we've talked about at the beginning of the podcast. This is the feeling of the next 12 months. This is what you are moving towards. This is what you are moving towards is having this feeling on a daily basis where everything you've written is just normal for you, is your Oh, and your own time, come back into the room and open your eyes. And now what I want for you to do. Is to write down. The income goal. That will allow you to have the life that you have just experienced. So it might be a monthly amount. It could be an overall amount right down. Intuitively what the amount of money is. And what we want to get to is a monthly amount, because you might've written like I'm going to earn a million pounds and that might just feel like massive. Or maybe you've written down the Egan to generate a hundred thousand pounds and that still feels massive. So now I want for you to write down your monthly ago. So let's say that your goal is a hundred thousand pounds in the next 12 months and that's exciting. Isn't it? Like, knowing that everything that you want. Everything that you desire is possible to. And actually generating a hundred thousand pounds in your business. Is around 8.3. Care every single month. And I won't for you to write that down. So, whatever your girl is, I want you to write down what that monthly amount is. So I'm going to take the example of it being I'm going to round it out for the purposes of this exercise. I'm going to call 8,000. So 8,000. Draw out a circle. On your paper now. And put your monthly girl above the circle. So I'm going to write down 8,000 pounds. And then in that circle, I want you to divide. That circle. And identify exactly where that one is going to go. So you can have a propulsion of that. Is going to be set aside for business expenses. And taxes. So there's a chunk of money that goes towards that. So you put that in and it's like like you cutting a pizza. So, you know, if your business expense is about 2000 pounds, But your tax is about 3000 pounds. You. Tax one's going to be slightly bigger than the as well. And then there's gonna be an amount of money where you are. Perhaps reinvesting in the business, perhaps you've got the stuff costs. Perhaps you've got some coaching costs, qualification, whatever. I knew you. Proportion that out as well. And then it's like, right. Okay. That's old of business sorted out. So how, how am I going to spend the rest of the money? Let's see, you've got 3000 pounds left. And you're like, actually, 2000 pounds goes into the family pot.. And again, without 2000 pounds, it's. How does that positively impact the family part? Oh, your personal pot work the out. So you could say, well, you know, we're going to pay off extra amount money in, on the mortgage. So we're going to reduce that. So we're going to pay off a thousand pounds extra every single month on the mortgage. Wow. That's amazing. And then we'll put 500 pounds into like a full account. That means that we can get family meals, the cinema. Or if it's for you, you can go and have a facial every single week. You can go to the spa, you can have a gym membership, whatever that looks like for you. So you've got kind of like 2000 pounds there. You've got a thousand pounds left. And it's like, right. Okay. Perhaps that's a thousand pounds. Where you put it into an account for holidays, for cars. For education. It could be that you put that into a pension pot, whatever you desire. And you have now set your new income girl. And with that you have anchored in Understanding why the amount of money is significant to you and why you are now got the fire, anybody to actually make that your reality, because you have seen in your mind's eye, what life and business is going to feel like. And you've anchored in that feeling. And now you've done that kind of whole paper exercise where you can see how generating your income goal is going to positively impact. The world you innate your loved ones in air. How amazing is that you have just set your income goal and I have given you the tools. To help you achieve that as well. I hope you have enjoyed the, I absolutely love this exercise. So the next stage would be to work out the, how. And that is something that I can help you with. I have got a number of podcast episodes are list them below. Where I talk about the strategy side of things. I hope this is like set you up. Giving you that fire in your belly now to go out that really step up in your business and be that, you know, the truly awesome person version of yourself that you really, really are. I have lived bring this to you. If you are listening to this at the end of December, wishing you all the very best for the next 12 months in business. And I will be back soon with even more resources to help you to. Create consistent lens of high-income. I cannot wait for the next 12 months in business. Bye for now.