The Money, Mindset & Miracles Podcast

Goodbye 2023 - Your Full Business Review

Rachel Smith

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In this special episode, we're not just wrapping up the year; we're sculpting a blueprint for your triumphant emergence into 2024. Join me on a reflective journey as we bid farewell to 2023. It's not just about listening; it's about what you'll unleash in the wake of this episode. This is not just a podcast; it's your roadmap to a future bathed in success and growth.

Stay tuned as we dive deep into the power of business reviews, the art of celebration, and the alchemy of turning weaknesses into opportunities. I've got a guide, a gift from me to you, to make this transformative process as graceful as possible. So, buckle up for a short but impactful episode—it's not just a farewell; it's a launchpad into your best year yet.


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Love Rachel x

welcome to the money, mindset and miracles podcast. Helping you to grow a predictable and scalable months of high income from your business as gracefully as possible. I'm Rachel Smith business coach mindset expert. And the founder of momentum mastermind, your 90-day sprint to scaling your business to five care. Join me every week as I dive into the tips, inspirational stories and strategies that are going to support you on your journey. To growing your awesome business. This might be a short, a really short podcast episode because actually it's not what you listened to in here. That's important is what you're going to do. After listening to this episode, that's the most important and significant thing. So we're talking about saying goodbye to 2023 at the time of recording this. We're in the second week of December. A lot of people are already starting to think about finishing for the end of the year and she Christmas. And it's certainly a time of year. That's really, really important for me and for my clients. And one of the things I invite my clients to do. And the invite my audience she's yourself to do is to complete a full business review. We're going to get into why this is important in a moment, but for business review, does that sound exciting? I love actually. I love spending some time and exploring. What actually happened in business because as I sit here, my office in December, January, February, March, even Airpal seem such a long time ago. I'm not even quite sure what happened, what I was focusing on at the time. But what is really, really useful. These actually completing a review. So you go and investigate some of the key areas in your business. Now, if you're thinking that sounds like a really massive job to do. I've actually made it really, really simple for you. I have got a free downloadable that you can have as a gift from me where I will take you step by step through my entire review process. I have been doing this for years. I'll tell you the reason why I do this as well is when I first started. Running my own business. I didn't really have much of a clue. About running a business, I'd been involved in business, but I had never been involved in running a business. One of my first amazing coaches that taught me so much. I is a lady called Benadette dial. And she built in review. Into like my life. Right from the word girl. And because of the work I did with this courage. I review the end of every single week. So I always can see what's happening in my business, even if I can't remember. Kind of eight months later. What actually happened in detail, but every single week, I like to have that kind of weekly review. Like what's working, what's not working. What happened? What are the celebrations? And also water my resisting. That's a key question to ask yourself, because there's always going to be those things. That you put off doing, but actually it could be the very things that would make the biggest difference to you. Basically with this kind of end of year review, you're doing that. On a higher level. You're looking at everything that is working currently in your business because you want to take that into 2024. As we all know, like, The world and The world of work and business. Has changed so much in the last three years. And it keeps on changing as well with all those external forces that have a direct impact on how we run our businesses. So having the ability to actually understand what's working well in your business. And what are those kinds of golden threads that you want to look through your business and pull through your business as well, and make sure that you are maximizing all the things that are working really well in your business so that you can do more of the. In 2020 fall. So that's one part of the review. I'm celebrating, celebrating every single win that you have achieved because we get so consumed with the action taking. We get so consumed with what's next it. It sometimes takes a podcast episode. Like there's. To give you that kind of moment where you can just sit back and think, oh my gosh, I have learned so much. I have grown so much. I have achieved so much. In a relatively short period of time, 12 months, isn't actually. That long is that. But we also want to be super, super critical and look at the things that are not working. In your business in 2023. Now that might feel like the last thing that you want to do, but actually just as important. As finding that kind of golden thread is understanding your points of weakness in your business. I want to say weakness. I'm thinking of, you know, when we do a SWAT analysis, when we're looking at the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats is exactly the same with this side of the review, you are looking for those things that really are a weakness book, could create an opportunity for you to super focus on those things in 2024, meaning that you. Are like, oh my gosh, this is never, ever going to fall off my radar. Again, I'm going to make this a top priority. Actually focus on these elements in our business. And it's going to help you grow your business. And it's going to tell you so much about, you know, like where's your zone of genius, perhaps where you maybe need to recruit somebody else into your business who's an expert in that field and know that you've got that ticked off. So. In the review. So, whether you do your own review of you download my workbook. Is certainly looking at what isn't working well. And then you want to look at all the things that, that 20, 23 has given you as a lesson. Because we are growing out where we are growing and evolving and adapting and changing. And we want to look at. All of the lessons, the good, the bad. So that we can really start to become very well-informed about what actually is happening in our business happening in our field of expertise, happening with our ideal clients. And identifying. Everything you need to know that's going to help you create even more success and growth in 2024. I want you to be inspired to go and do this. Review. There is the downloadable. It'll be down in the show notes. It's completely free. It's something that I create for my clients, but I'm going to give that to you because I want you to get into the practice of. Understanding how powerful it is to do these reviews, both in the 12 months, kind of big reviews and also many reviews. If you decided to do that. And there are some fun things you can do as well. There'll be some things that you'll be like, I absolutely want to take that into 20, 24. And the B are the things where you go, I am not taking that into 20, 25. There'll be those things that you want to let go. So, if you want to, the next stage after doing this review is you can do a little like closing down ceremony if you wanted. You can do a letting go exercise where you let go of everything. That's no longer serving you. There's no longer true for you. That's no longer going to help you too. Scaly business and achieve those goals that you've got for 2024. And you can just create a really nice ceremony around those things. You know, however you decide to do them, you might just write them out and talk about releasing them, letting them go. You could do some healing work. If you've got some inner stories that keep on running, you've noticed the theme of the last couple of years. It's like this keeps coming up, but need to do something about it. And it could be the, actually you just very simply write out all of those things that you are letting go. That you no longer want to be energetically connected to in 2024. And then actually write that down on a piece of paper., And Burnet, and it could be that you burn an entire list of these things. And just have that sensation of and the energetic connection that your heart. To those. Experiences, limiting beliefs, fears, anything like that? Just feel them just disappear. Okay. I can't wait for you to get into your review. Of 2023. So you can say goodbye to it. You can take the good and the bad from it. And you can do all of the healing work, all of the releasing work. That you can. And then you can move on and set some really amazing goals for the next 12 months. Says always, if you have enjoyed this podcast, I would love to hear from you. I will respond to your messages. And also if you live this podcast and you haven't previously subscribed. And you're listening via apple. I'd love for you to subscribe. That'd be a lovely gift for me. Ending. December, 2023 on a high with a podcast. So as always, thank you so much for listening. Have a really fabulous week and I look forward. To hearing about your wins and those things that you are deciding to let go of in 2024. okay bye for now