The Money, Mindset & Miracles Podcast

Make December Matter - 2 Steps To Finishing 2023 On A High!

Rachel Smith

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In this episode, I'll unveil the secrets to making December matter for your business. 

I'll share my transformative experience and how embracing a strategic approach in December can set the stage for a powerful start to the new year.

Discover the first crucial step: making sales now. I'll guide you through creating a compelling offer in December that not only generates revenue but also sets the groundwork for warm leads in January. Whether you're a coach, dog trainer, or website creator, tailor your offer to be exciting, fast, and irresistibly easy for your clients to say yes to.

But that's not all; I'll delve into the second key aspect—crafting your forward plan for 2024.. I'll walk you through the components of a successful strategy. join me on this journey, and let's make 2024 your most successful year yet.

Chapter Markers:

  1. Introduction
    • Welcome to the Money, Mindset, and Miracles Podcast.
    • Meet Rachel Smith, business coach, and founder of Momentum Mastermind.
  2. The December Sales Revelation
    • Overcoming the misconception about December as a slow sales month.
    • Personal experience of generating sales in December with a strategic approach.
  3. Step 1: Making Sales Now
    • Leveraging the three weeks before the new year for active business promotion.
    • Creating an offer in December that generates warm leads for January.
  4. Crafting an Irresistible Offer
    • Tailoring offers for different businesses: coaching, dog training, website creation.
    • Making the offer fun, easy to say yes to, and aligned with your January promotion.
  5. Step 2: Forward Planning for 2024
    • The importance of a strategic plan for business growth.
    • Components of a forward strategy: key offers, pricing structure, and personalized marketing.
  6. Gaining Clarity for 2024
    • Understanding how a forward plan provides clarity and insight.
    • The roadmap to achieving business goals, generating income, and making informed investments.

LIMITED TIME OFFER: Create Your £5K Roadmap 

Book your PRIVATE STRATEGY SESSION with Rachel where she will support you to create your 2024 strategy for scaling your business. 

By the end of our session, you'll walk away with:

  • Clarity on scaling your business to consistent months of £5K (and beyond)
  • A complete strategy for scaling your business
  • Understanding of how to leverage your Unique Selling Point for brand elevation and increased visibility
  • Key offers and prices for 2024
  • Renewed focus and confidence in achieving your goals in 2024

Let's Get Connected-

Connect with me further:

If you have any questions about scaling your business to consistent months of high income, drop me a message here: or hit FAN MAIL to message me directly!

Love Rachel x

welcome to the money, mindset and miracles podcast. Helping you to grow a predictable and scalable months of high income from your business as gracefully as possible. I'm Rachel Smith business coach mindset expert. And the founder of momentum mastermind, your 90-day sprint to scaling your business to five care. Join me every week as I dive into the tips, inspirational stories and strategies that are going to support you on your journey. To growing your awesome business. So I used to think December. Well, not the time to go out there and generate sales in your business. I used to structure my whole sales, so it kind of finished the end of November, beginning of December. And I was really in that belief that, uh, for a service-based business like mine. Where I'm selling coaching. That actually clients don't want to work with you in December. Um, they certainly don't want to be thinking about working with you in the next year. Uh, until everything changed. When I was working with a coach in a mastermind. We got to early December and my colleagues within the MOUs, mine, they were on fire. They were going out there. And creating the most messy offers and then we're getting sales. So I was like, wow, let's give this a go. Let's actually see if I can go out there and generate sales in December for my business. And I absolutely did. And ever since then, I have always created. A sales strategy for December. Um, this is what I really want to share with you today is how you can make December mater. I really want to encourage you to really think about these two steps and about how you can apply them in your business. So at the time of recording this. We are in that kind of first week in December. And if you think about when the schools have initiated, we have about three weeks so that gives you a whole three weeks. Where you can actually make December matter. So step one in doing this. Is making sales now. If you think about it logically. Between now and coming back to business in January. So for me, my children, aren't back to school until the 8th of January. That's a really long period of time. Not to be active in my business and not to be. Promoting or generating sales in my business. So it gives you plenty of time to actually generate sales in your business. There's a couple of things you can do to, ensure that you create an offer in December that sells. So, first of all, you want to be thinking about what are you going to come back to sell? In your business in January. And the reason why we're starting with that is that whatever you sell in December, once be generating warm leads. So people in a pipeline who are ready to buy that thing from you in January. To pre-qualify people for your next offer is to create a stepping stone to that bigger offer. That you've got coming up in January. So that's the first thing that you want to think about is what is it that you'll be promoting as soon as you come back? In the new year. And that's going to really help you. To figure out what you're going to sell in December. Um, if you haven't already got in your schedule. And author in mind. I really want for you to think about this offer in December has been something really fast, something really fun. Something that you can really get behind and get excited about going out to your audience and really showing them that you've got something amazing for them. And one of the best ways to structure this is to create an author that gives them a specific outcome. And when you're thinking about that offer in January, you want to make these two things link. So let me give you some actual examples. So if I was thinking about coaching. I might be looking at offering in December. A money breakthrough session, maybe a one off private session that then would lead to me promoting in January F full money mindset program. Let's take another example. If I was a dog trainer, I might want to create an offer around puppy crate training. So that's like one element to what you need as a new owner for a puppy. Through to offering in January a full on puppy program where you're covering many more things. And then my other example was if you create. Websites you might want offer to create at somebody's homepage. So this might be the first step to them having a full website. That leads to them, then booking you to do their full website design. In January. The offer that you creating in December. You want it to be fun. You want it to be easy for your clients to say yes to it. And you want to keep it super simple so that he feels really easy in this busy time for you to get it out there. Price it to sell easily as well. So especially if it's something new, you can create a real buzz around how you've got something that's of really high quality and insane volume. The second. Aspect that I want you to think about that really will make December mater is creating your forward plan for 2024. So whether you're looking to scale your business just by a couple of thousand pounds every single month, or you've got some much larger juicy girls, and perhaps you're looking to scale to five K 10 K 20 K month. Every single business, regardless of that kind of income girl needs a strategy. That outlines, how you going to achieve this growth in your business? This strategy is going to give you clarity about what you need to do in order to achieve your goal. So instead of just having some kind of girls and you had. You're actually taking the time to work out. How are you going to make that happen? Your strategy wants to include a couple of things, including your key offers. You want to be stacking offer. So each one builds an audience for your next offer, making a selling easier. You want to include things like your pricing structure and you want to work out your marketing and sales strategy based on who you are and who you work with and how you like to show up. Um, that's going to really allow you to start 20, 24 with money in the bank. Clarity about how are you going to get clients. And it's going to also give you something really important. It's going to give you. A full strategy. For scaling a business and it's going to help you to understand what's a priority in your business is going to give you an insight and a forecast into when money is going to be generated in your business. And it's also going to help inform your future investments in your business. It's going to help you to. Understand, if you need to invest in a new piece of software, a member of the team, if you're looking at delegating. Tasks to another expert, or if you, as the business owner needs to get a new qualification. So it's much more than just having a strategy. This is a kind of over arching strategy for lots of the key components in your businesses. Actually going to make a difference from if right now you just planning month to month, or you haven't really ever taken this kind of 12 month approach to scaling a business. This is very much your roadmap to getting more clients and money. In 2024. So two steps for you is, think about how you can create an amazing offer in December. That's like a hell yes for your clients that create. Warm leads for your next offer. When you come back in 2024 and the second step. Is to create your forward strategy for scaling your business in 2024. And if you need my help with either those things, firstly, with step one, with authors, I have loads of ideas. I have literally supported hundreds of women. To create amazing offers that scale, the business. So if you need. And help insight drop me a message. I will personally respond to those. I'm really happy to get you out of the starting blocks for you to have that same experience that I had all those years ago. When I realized that December can actually be a key money-making. A month. The second thing is if you need help and support to create your forward pump 2020 fall, this is exactly what I love to do. I love working with women who are really passionate about the business, and they've got some incredible girls and they recognize that actually they're never going to sit down and create that time and space that they need to have that kind of forward insight. And also they appreciate that working with somebody like me is going to give them the challenge is going to give them a new perspective on how to. Look at scale in their business. So I have an incredible offer at the moment where I will sit down and work with you privately. In a powerful session where we will map out your roadmap from where you are to where you want to be by the end of 2024. So that is like really powerful session. It's going to set you up and I will. Create the results of that session. Into an implementable documents so that you can go off and implement that on your own if you choose to. these sessions are limited and I have massively reduced the price as well, because I really understand. The huge benefit of completing this work and a want for people like you, who are passionate about the business who want to get more clients money in 2024 to realize how powerful it is to have a forward strategy. I'll put all of the details down in the show notes below. These places. I said are limited. If this is resonating with you, if you know that you want some help and support to really look at scaling our business in the most effective, brilliant, amazing, exciting way for 2024 come and work with me, I would love. To help and support you to do that. Okay until next time. Bye for now