The Money, Mindset & Miracles Podcast

What I Would Do Differently If I Was Starting Out In 2024

Rachel Smith

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I made so many mistakes when I first started my business and spent so much unnecessary money figuring out how to generate consistent months of high income!

Join me this week as I reflect back on the 7 aspects of business that I would do differently if I was starting my business in 2024.

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I got so much wrong. When I first started running my online business. I can't believe how many mistakes I have made of the past 10 years. And if I could roll the clock back here are seven things that I would do differently if I was creating a brand new business in 2024. welcome to the money, mindset and miracles podcast. Helping you to grow a predictable and scalable months of high income from your business as gracefully as possible. I'm Rachel Smith business coach mindset expert. And the founder of momentum mastermind, your 90-day sprint to scaling your business to five care. Join me every week as I dive into the tips, inspirational stories and strategies that are going to support you on your journey. To growing your awesome business. So we've got to that time of year. The end of the year. We've become quite reflective, really great point to start looking back, looking at things that have gone really well. Those things that haven't gone particularly well. And it really got me thinking about what I would do differently. If I were starting out. In my business in 2024. And if I take these seven steps, if I've done these things consistently in my business, I would be a more successful, faster. I would have hard more clients through the door. And I wouldn't have wasted as much money as I did. So let's go with these seven things I would do differently. The very first one has to be this one. It's all about your relationship with money. If I could go back 10 years and speak to that younger version of Rachel and just say, Hey, this might sound really crazy because you've never really had to think about this before. But you have got some massive negative limiting beliefs around money and your ability to actually create more money. As a woman running her own business. And I would encourage that younger version of myself to do what it needed to do. In order to really embrace what money is and what money allows you to do in your life and in your business, and basically to heal what needs to be healed. So money is a really big one.. If you're going to take anything from this. I would want you to take this. It has to be my headliner is money. The second one. Is kind of linked to that, and that is your mindset. I had belief that I could be successful in my business. Otherwise it wouldn't have done it, but actually I remember going to the very first networking event, for my business. And I went in, I had so much belief and so much passion and I was so excited. And I sat there in a room and we got chance to all stand up and introduce ourselves and talk about our businesses. Um, I was like the second or third person standard. I was like really excited, a big beaming first looking around the audience. And I could just tell it wasn't resonating with them. And by the end of the two hour networking session where everybody got up and talked about themselves, guess how many coaches there were in that room? And I just hadn't been specific enough. I'd been very blunt, very. Vanilla in my introduction to my coaching business. But it was such an important lesson. Um, but one of the things that you did do is that it kinda knocked my confidence a little bit, you know, I'd gone in there and it was almost like all of that belief kind of got squashed down a little bit. And there was various different times in my business when that, has occurred. And still does occur if I'm completely honest. Sometimes we have ideas on launches that we go out with. You do. Create the results that you want, and it takes a huge amount of resilience to come back from that. Because for many of those, we are selling our services. We're selling our expertise. We're selling. Our skills. And when somebody says no to us, that can feel really, really personal. And that can actually really knock you off track. Crush your confidence. And what I've learned is about building belief. Before, you go out into the world, before you tell the world what your next thing is, it's building that self belief within yourself. So that actually the resilience that you need in order to overcome the challenges that will occur. Is that you've got the ability to look objectively at what you're doing and change things and not be broken hearted when things don't work out. In fact, sometimes when those things don't work out. It's kind of a gift because it opens the door to something else coming through. And if you open enough two days, It will allow you to live in those. Things that haven't gone particularly well as well. So really building belief self-belief is critical in business is ruthless out there. If you're going to be in a position where in 2024, you're going out there with your business and you looking to get more clients. You're being consistent with your marketing, your. Out there. The surrounded by lots of other people with a similar message to you. You need that resilience. You need that beliefs through the, you can keep going. So build belief within yourself, but also surround yourself with other people who believe in you as well. And I think this is really, really important. You've got to build that belief in yourself. First. You've got to have that self assurance. But boy, you are lifted up by those people who believe in you as well. When you've got the people around you go, you do really well. You've overcome that really brilliantly. You can keep going. How about looking at it from this perspective? So where you can. Surround yourself with people who you trust and who will do that dumbness to lift you up as well. The third one and I, again, There'll be no surprise. If you've been listening to this podcast. For a little while now is strategy. Way back 10 years ago, even though I'd come from a very strategic role. In my corporate role, I kind of was like, sir, excited about this entrepreneurial space. And I was going to try this idea. I'm going to go over there and do that. Right. I'm going to invest in this. I'm going to try that. And it was exciting. I learned a lot. It was fast paced. But it didn't actually create the results that I wanted. And I worked with various different coaches and experts. And they never really fully gave me what I was looking for on that was a strategy, a strategy that spanned my entire business from vision through to, what my offers were. My marketing. My sales process. All of the things that you need it. In order to be successful. And because that wasn't in existence. I actually created it for myself. And this is now what I use with my clients that, you know, really get them to like, take a step back from the Dewey and actually look at the business strategically. So you can really identify. What are the opportunities? Where can you really lean into something? What needs to change? What needs to be dropped? Where do you need to invest? We start to approach your business way more strategically than you ever had. It's going to save you time. It's going to save you energy, and it's going to save you a book. It tone all of the money as well, because when you've been strategic in your business, you're making more money. Yay. But also you able to look at your business objectively and identify exactly what you need to invest in, whether that's a course, a qualification or somebody to come into your business and do something on your behalf. So strategy is absolutely key in business. Um, if you're interested in creating your own strategy for growth in 2024, carry on listening to the podcast because we've got something exciting for you at the end of the podcast. That's going to help you with S in 20, 24, the fourth area that I would really focus on. If I was starting again. His audience, I would grow an audience. And when I say an audience, I'm not talking about likes or followers on social media platforms, I'm talking about. An email audience. This is where I get. All of my sales from is from people who are on my email list who have actively signed up to be in connection with me. Um, they are receiving content like my weekly podcast every single week. And then they're also receiving all of the sales emails that I send through and they're buying from them. So that is my kind of top advice is wherever you are in business is grow your audience. Make it a consistent thing, make it something that you do every single day. So that actually next time you come to sell your next thing. You have an audience of people who are waiting for you to create an amazing offer for them. And they're waiting to say yes, so grow your audience way before you think you need it as well. The fifth one is marketing. There've been times my business, because I didn't have the structure because it didn't have the strategy in place that I was really, really busy with clients and I would disappear. All of my marketing platforms. And then it would make life so much harder. The next time I wanted to go out there and launch something new because I had to start again. Or as a working parent, I would take the whole summer off. I wouldn't purse anything for six weeks and I'd come back in September. I'd have to start again. And generally speaking, here's this. Very interesting statistic for you is that it can take 90 days of your consistent messaging to actually break through, into somebody's. Mind and for them to realize that they need you in their life. So you might think your messaging is really boring. You might think that you can't keep saying the same thing over and over again, but of course you can. If you look at the metrics. Only a very small percentage of your audience, actually seeing your content on social media. If you have an email list around on average, 30% of your email list, uh, seeing that message. So you can be consistent with that messaging. And like I said, you need to be consistently sharing the same message so that people know what you're about. The understand how you can help them. They can make that decision if you offer them or not. And the next time that they are looking for an expert in your field, you are top of mind. So be consistent with your marketing. Don't worry about your marketing being boring. As long as your message is consistent, as long as it's resonating with your audience. You will be doing absolutely fine. And because your messaging needs to be consistent. It allows you to do something. That is really brilliant, especially when you're busy or you do it like creating lots of content is that you can repurpose your content. So if you have a content plan for night days, Guess what. At the beginning of the next 90 days, you can practically reuse that content. You might want to use different images. You might want to change it up a little bit, but essentially the message stares. The said, if you think about any brand, let's take Coca-Cola. Did they change their message to the start talking about chips or chocolate bars. They talk about Coca-Cola they might talk about Coca Cola, diet or Zira or all the other variations of it. But basically the talking about that. Can a fizzy drinks. So be consistent. Be bold as well. And when I said bold. Right from the off, I have used video in my business, even when video. I wasn't um, oh, this is going to take me back. But when video was not available via social media platforms we had a video streaming system called a Periscope. It was terrifying because you'd get anybody on there, but it was also exciting. Because it was a very first. Results that you could use and do a live video broadcast and reach your audience. So be consistent, be bold and use video. The six area is create your own rules. I think sometimes we forget that is you have set up a business for lots of different reasons. And one of them is probably for more freedom. More flexibility, more creativity. And sometimes we just reinvent our old nine to five and I can still be guilty of this, but I really want for you to think about how you can create a business that you absolutely love. That way, it gives you that freedom and flexibility. And I'm not just talking about being able to take the holidays off with the kids, but think about your working day. Do you actually need to be sat at your desk nine till five or nine till three? No. You probably don't because if you doing all the other things I've talked about, But having a strategy, be consistent with your marketing. You don't actually need to be sat there. So fill your day with things that fill you with joy. And I'll give you some example from my own diary. Is that every Thursday morning. My husband and I block out Thursday and we go to the gym. And it's a non-negotiable for us. We live it. It's one of those things where neither of us put appointments in our diaries. We just block it out. It's our time to go to the gym. Um, it's frigging. Awesome. So create your own rules and the seventh. thing that we'll do differently in my business. If I starting again in 2024, is that I would find amazing partners to collaborate with. So collaborations are so, so brilliant. It allows you to work with other people, be supported by other people, um, for you to have access to other people's audiences. So collaborations come in, all shapes and sizes. I'm actually going to link in the show notes, a recent podcast that I did. We want to, my partners. Um, Amy Purdy, we collaborate on one of our programs called the list grower. Um, it's absolutely brilliant. There are some pitfalls to collaborations, but if you listen to that podcast, we share like how you can really have an amazing experience collaborating. But it's really powerful. And it's one of those things that really allow you to organically grow your business. So if you haven't thought about using collaborations in your business in 2024, this is a great opportunity to do that. The thing that I promised to share with you about getting more strategic in 2024 so that you can get more clients. Is my brand new masterclass unlock your five figure. Yeah. So this is perfect for anybody who is right. 20, 24 is my year to become where my intentional in my business. I want to get more clients. I want to grow. I want to have a great impact with my business. So one of the things I talk about all the time and something that I do with my clients. Is that we create their personal roadmap from where they are to where they want to be, that identifies their strategy, their how, of, how they're going to grow their business. And that's exactly what I'm going to. Help you to unlock in the muskox. It's completely free to register all the details down in the show notes. It is happening on the 16th of November. So if you're listening to this, after the 16th of November, I'm sorry. It's already run. The, Mass class is going to be absolutely essential for you to have that clarity about what happens next in your business and how you become way more successful in 2024. So don't miss that. It's going to be awesome. Right. I hope you have loved that. Review on the seven things that I would do differently. If I was starting a business in 2024. I would love to hear from you what resonated with you? What has been some of their house? For you come and tell me. Hit reply. However you listened to this. Let me know. I always love to hear from you. And if you haven't already subscribed to this podcast and you would like your weekly dose. I have a BS free content. That's going to help you to grow your business. Don't forget to subscribe. Okay, bye. For now.