The Money, Mindset & Miracles Podcast

Episode 15: I Kept Rejecting Money Until I Did This

July 31, 2022 Rachel Smith
The Money, Mindset & Miracles Podcast
Episode 15: I Kept Rejecting Money Until I Did This
Show Notes Transcript

If you are frustrated with earning the same amount of money EVERY SINGLE Month then this episode is for you.  I share my own personal story of how I was stuck in a cycle of working really hard in my business, earning money, sabotaging my efforts and always starting the month at the exact same place - ZERO and how I begun to understand what was happening and how to change the cycle forever.

I share 2 resources that you can use to change how you think and feel about earning more money in your business are linked below:

1) My Wealth & Abundance Hypnosis you can download for FREE here:
2) My Udemy Course, Set & Achieve Your Monthly Income Goal - Every Single Month for here:

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Love Rachel x

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Love Rachel x

welcome to the money mindset and miracles podcast, helping you to grow a predictable and scalable months of income from your business as gracefully as possible. I'm Rachel Smith business, coach mindset, expert speaker, and the founder of the 5k club. Really. Really excited today to talk about some things that is part of the work that I do with clients, especially with women, because it is. Something that we mean strip away that serves so much and it's all around. How we think and feel about money. And I love this work because when you start to work on your relationship with money, it is some of the most transformational work the you can do that has a direct impact on your level of success, your ability to Colwell clients, to you. And to actually generate more money and let's face it when you're running a business. We're all looking to scale our business. We're looking to generate even more profit because then we can work with more clients. We can have a bigger impact in the world. We can generate money that benefits us and our loved ones and the world. And, you know, this is some of the most. As I said, it's some of the most transformational work that you can do. And I didn't know this when I first stayed out in business. I know, you know, if I could jump in a time machine ways to like 2012 and just whisper. In the ear of Mia. At that point and just say, working in money mindset. I would have got where I am today. A lot faster and probably. Without the mistakes, the homemade. So let's dive into this. So this episode is, is for you. If you are feeling stuck and frustrated with your current level of income in a perhaps. You've been working in your business for a little while and you, you making that warm to, to care every single month. But it doesn't seem to matter what you do. How hard you work, what you invest in, what you implement, that you can never quite move the needle beat on. The two Caremark. And even if you do, it feels like it was a one off. And there's a specific reason why that's happening and that's what we're going to delve into today. Um, you know, if you're in that situation where you are working really hard, you share and go out of your comfort zone. You're investing in your business, but you can't move the needle. And he started to even believe that maybe generating five K a month is not possible for you. I want to come let you know that that's exactly how I was feeling. When I constantly. Stepping up through a business, working really hard, like harder than I am doing now. And, um, I was just really frustrated and I've just thought, well, what's wrong with me? Why can't I generate that level of success. I can see it's available for other people around me. You know, it was really brilliant at selling. Uh, always sold. All this had the ability to market myself, my business and, created like amazing offers that people were saying yes to. And then I was calling in new clients every single month, but what I discovered after a period of time, Is the money would come into my business, come into my life. Um, but. I would. Kind of always be at that same point. Every single month. You know, I was always back to that zero point and I, you know, I was making some decisions around my money, which I just, I was aware of, but I just couldn't seem to break. So. Uh, I was coming at with, unexpected expenditure that hadn't forecasted for, or even had a contingency plan. Um, it was also like over committing in my expenditure birth and my business and my personal life. And I was definitely doing those kind of impulse purchases. And what all of that results did is that every single month start for a month, I was back to zero and it was like Groundhog day. It was like, right. New clients. I need to come up with enough. I need to go out there and launch. You know, I accept all part parcel of business. But I wanted money to come in to my life, through my business so that I could change my life. I didn't want to stay the same point and I didn't also want to keep working this hard. For that amount of money. Because actually when I looked at the hours that I was putting in, what I was looking at was investing in the business. To the return on that investment and that return on my time spent in the business. It didn't actually make sense. So I knew that something had to change in it. If I was completely honest. A lot of this. Pattern had been around for a long time in my life. It just showed itself up. When I was running a business, when I was having to rely on the money that I was generating to. I pay for my life. So, yeah. I realized quite quickly. That I had. Some sort of deep rooted. Pattern within me where I was just rejecting money. You know, when he would come in and then I do something with it. But basically I was rejecting the money and it was almost like, I didn't believe I was worthy. Of receiving that money. And I started to really start to pick this cause I could see that I was getting results in my business. I could see that it didn't need to work any harder that there was something else missing. And it was like the first time that I started to think about. What else was happening. And it was the first time that I started hearing. Cause I was ready to hear it. About money mindset. And I was like, what is that? You know, what is money mindset? You know, I was at trend in NLP. Stood about mindset. I didn't really understand anything specifically. Around money mindset. And when I started to investigate, uh, realize that actually. A lot of my limiting beliefs, a lot of my doubts, not my fears were actually. The, the reasons why I was supper, Tarjay my success and why I was stopping myself and really creating that life that I really, really wanted to have. So perhaps this is resonating with you, you know, perhaps you're like, oh yes. I definitely have had experiences of like working really hard, getting the money and then finding yourself. Taking action, where you just see yourself rejecting the money and getting back to square world. So nothing ever changes in your life. And that is the point that I got to is why wasn't anything changing in my life. And the question that I asked myself, which helped me to really uncover what was going on is this question. And it's like, how is my behavior? That I could see. And that I was experiencing around money and about rejecting money. How is my behavior serving me? How is that serving me? Because there was a reason why I kept telling you it wasn't so stupid. It wasn't because I was reckless. There was a real reason about why I was taking this action on repeat. And I realized that actually. Because. I was repeating this behavior over and over again. It was serving me. It was keeping me small. It was keeping me out of the limelight. It kept me under the radar. I wasn't being criticized. I wasn't being trolled. I was working with some really lovely clients, often the same clients over and over again. Um, I was being a good girl by not being seen of not being too noisy. Not bragging. No. This was all old programming about not obsessing of the people with the things that you've gotten, that perhaps they haven't got. And also it happens all the time in the online world is that you don't have to look too far to see people who are not just a few steps ahead of you in terms of your success and the business that they've built. Maybe the 10 steps ahead. You and I have to say them right back in the early stages of running a business. And this is at this point when I was. Uncovering all this money mindset is that there were some big players out there, the coaching and the mentoring. Um, space and I was either all of these people. And those are really fed that part of me that I wasn't good enough that I was imposter and it also fed into stories that my family had shared with me about me running a business that just thought it was nonsense. I had never made any money from it. me rejecting money kept me in exactly the same situation. And it kept me in what my unconscious mind considered, like my safe stairs. And it hadn't quite caught up with my ambition and my girls and my desire for my life to look differently than. Than it was. And this is why money mindset is so, so important because you have to do like two things with your mind. You have to. First of all, make it safe for your own conscious mind to completely accept that what you are looking for in terms of your life. And maybe this is the life that you've never experienced before, or you haven't ever witnessed anybody else experiencing. Close to you. But you have to make it safe in your mind. For, for you to live the life that you truly desire to live. And. Make it safe for you to have all those kinds and to receive that income. Um, that's part of the programming work that you do. This is part of life visualization, and generally. Um, meditation and acting as the, those things are already true because you need to program your own conscious mind. That is normal for you. To have this amazing life to do these amazing things, to work with these amazing clients. And this amazing amount of money. It, you know, that's part of your role as a person is to just keep program your unconscious mind. And making it feel safe, making it feel normal. So that you can just move through it is any fears, doubts, limiting, beliefs that you have because actually overriding all of that is like this profound belief that. This life that you desire. Is yours. And you just stepping into that. And the second thing you have to do is all of those limiting beliefs that you have both consciously and unconsciously, but you know, really the unconscious ones, those limiting beliefs that I discovered when asked that question of how is this serving you? I had to clear those limiting beliefs. I had to really do that deep work, which Sam, who is sound like it's really painful. And it's not here much. If you had a process where you could just let go of your limiting beliefs in a really. Easy where, so the actually. The more times you do the exercise, you just, you just step into what is possibly open for you. And when you do those two things together where you're programming your mind for exactly what you do, desire, making that normal with releasing our limiting beliefs. This is where the magic happens. This is when you can truly step into. Earning all the money that you want work with all the clients that you want in the way that you desire. And having the ability to retain the money and put the money into areas of your life. That's going to allow you to step into. The ability to change your life, to live your life differently. So this is. The work that I love to do with my clients. This is, you know, some thing that wants to start delving into this. Honestly the levels, the less, the transformation that happened. Is absolutely amazing. So if this is like, Oh my God. I want to know more about this and how do I get started with this? I've got two amazing resources for you. The first one is my free results, which is my wealth and abundance hypnosis that I have recorded. And it has been downloaded by hundreds of women like you who are ready to step out of the shadows and really step into playing that bigger game and being. Unstoppable in your business and therefore in your life. And that is completely free. You can download that. Get started with that today. Uh, honestly, it's a hit nurses is one of the most powerful tools that you can use to program yourself. Exactly what you do. What by. You know, just listening to it, listen to it once listened to it every day. If that do what you want with it, it is going to be your resource. So head up to the shirts and go and download. That was awesome. The. Other resource that I've got is a cost that I have created. And it's a, you dummy course. And again, I'll share the links in the show notes and this course. Is my five step process that came out of the work that I've been talking about in this episode. And that work is about setting yourself like really big, fantastic, brilliant income girls, and then releasing the limiting beliefs that you have about this so that you can actually just start moving forward in the third step with all of that is to actually anchor in what it is that you do want. So as this, the that's available on you to me, I'll leave the link. Good. Check it out. See if that's a bit for you. It's a really affordable, brilliant courses. Three amazing., resources in that, including two. Meditation's that's going to help you do this work. The way that I have put that cost together is that, uh, wanted to be this cost that you can do. You could integrate it in to. Your business life so that you use these tools every single month, so that you start to move closer and closer. Like your income girls Susa, smashing, can girls exceeding Inc and girls in the mall that you do this work? The faster you will achieve the results and then you can balance out. All the action taking with the, the receiving work, the earth print book work. And once you've got those two communes together, you are going to set the world on fire with your amazing business. So if you have lived this. Episode, I'd love for you to. Pop me a review over. Love for you to do that. And if you haven't already subscribed, please subscribe this episode about talking about our relationship with money, especially as female entrepreneurs. Is part of a brand new mini series that I'm running over the, at the time of recording this it's the summer of 2022. I'm going to be talking more and more about money and our relationship with money and how that shows up in business. And I'm going to give you the tools and the stories that's going to help you to really step into. Generation the next level of amazing income in your business. So till next time, have fun grown your awesome business. And I look forward to creating more resources like this for you. Bye. For now.